Over the last week and half so many different little things happened where it seemed God was making it ever so clear to just be patient & not give up. It first started at my weekly bible study... it was about Gods timing. About waiting upon the Lord. It was as if he was there speaking directly to me!! Tears just streamed down my face, it was amazing!! This was actually last week & it just so happened to be the day after I started my fertility shots, a day that I needed encouragement more than ever and he was right there giving it to me!! (First month of actual fertility meds after taking a break from it for about a year)
Then the next few days everywhere I turned he was there...someone sending me an email on faith with words that were again just like they were meant directly for me!!
It had this prayer in it :
Dear Lord,
You know the hurt in my heart and the sting of disappointments I have experienced. Please help me trust you instead of being consumed by feelings. Empower me with a FAITH that is stronger than my emotions.... In Jesus name, AMEN
I have prayed more this month about all of this than ever before....
Been so thankful for the friends God has sent my way during this time...God knew...just like how the timing of the bible study worked out. Just to get texts and emails that just say im praying for you today!! so thankful for you!!
All of my blood work and ultrasounds prior to IUI were looking GREAT!!
Then the "timing" of the IUI fell on my PawPaw's b-day... to me I immediately thought... WOW what if we were to concieve a baby on his birthday, how AWESOME would that be!! You know how close I was to my PawPaw!!!
We headed down to Birmingham Wed. and had IUI Thurs. Chad went over first to do his part and back to hotel with Sam. Then my turn to go... I felt really good about it. God had given me alot of peace. I was just so ready for it to be done. Well the nurse came in and said Chads count had improved TREMENDOUSLY.... i mean not just a little I mean ALOT!! It was a GOD thing, I mean it had to be. The nurse practicioner said it was GREAT!!! OMGOSH, I was beside myself, when she did the IUI she even said lets pray. God sent her right to me, I know!!!
I had lots of GREAT follicles with 3 great lead ones. Everything seemed so very positive. I have to admit my hopes are very high!! How can they not be?!?!?! Faith!!!! but I keep telling myself, even if it doesnt happen this time, God has answered prayers already about Chads issue and I am so thankful for that. I mean seriously after she did IUI, I had to lay there about 15 minutes, and I couldnt stop crying....Just filled with emotions.... we have worried, tryed to figure out, but most importantly prayed about Chads' issue, where did it come from & why???? and just like that God answered... all of that has been in his time not ours and he is defintely teaching me patience!! and my FAITH, wow... its just becoming stronger and stronger. I know when this finally all comes to pass... what a GOD story I will then have to share!!! We will know soon so please keep the prayers coming!! I appreciate all of you and your prayers more than I could ever express. {LOVE}
Be back soon to share about Fall Break =)