I copied this poem from a blog site that I follow, she had it on her blog today,Im copying her idea :), but this poem is awesome and it really made me stop and think! http://raisingfutureesthers.blogspot.com/, it is a poem by Beth Moore, I had never read it but it definitely put things in perspective for me. How truely blessed I am, and how I must only trust in God to take care of everything, trust in his plan for me not "my plan". So at this time in my life where Chad and I are wanting another little one so bad, we must keep the faith and know our God will take care of us! I never "planned" to struggle with infertility but I know God has a a reason for it, Im very glad I have him and Ive chosen to follow his plan and not one of my own.
Life is never as you see it but even during the times of doubt, struggles, and hardships I can truly see that God has always been there and he has never let me down. Examples in my life 1) Samuel 1:27 for this child we prayed and God has granted us our request , we prayed for our little Sam and what an answered prayer he was. 2) the death of my PawPaw, he was a daddy, a pawpaw and so much more, I always thought I would never make it in this world after he was gone, God used this time in my life to draw me back to him as I had drifted away, without God Im not sure how I would have dealt with the death of PawPaw I still miss him so much today, but have the reassurance that I will see him again one day! There are several things that happened to me after he passed that I know werent little coincidences, they happend because of God and Im so thankful! 3) the most important of all is the plan of salvation that God has given to me and all! All we have to do is believe and except and what a wonderful eternal plan he has for us! Im so thankful for being saved from my sins and my promise of eternity with him!
Enough about me and my plans, what about you, are you following a plan of your own or are you letting God be in control of his plans for you?
The Life I Planned
from Things Pondered
Has someone seen the life I planned?
It seems it's been misplaced
I've looked in every corner
It's lost without a trace.
I've found one I don't recognize
Things missing that were dear
Promises I'd hoped to keep
And dreams I'd dreamed aren't here.
Faces I had planned to see
Hands I planned to hold
Now absent in the pictures
Not the way I told.
Has someone seen the life I planned?
Did it get thrown away?
God took my hand from searching
Then I heard him say,
"Child, your ears have never heard
Your eyes have never seen
Eternal plans I have for you
Are more than you could dream.
You long to walk by sight
But, I'm teaching eyes to see
I know what I am doing
'Til then you must believe."
He's done so much, I felt ashamed
To know He heard my moans
To think I'd trade in all He's done
For plans made on my own.
I wept over His faithfulness
And how He'd proved Himself
How He'd gone beyond my dreams
And said to Him myself,
"No, my ears have never heard
My eyes have never seen
Eternal plans you have for me
Are more than I could dream.
Yes, I long to walk by sight
But you're teaching eyes to see
You know what You are doing
'Til then, I must believe."
I felt His great compassion
Mercy unrestrained
He let me mourn my losses
And showed to me my gains.
I offered Him my future
And released to Him my past
I traded in my dreams
For a plan He said would last.
I get no glimpse ahead
No certainties at all
Except the presence of the ONE
Who will not let me fall.
Are you also searching
For a life you planned yourself?
Have you looked in every corner?
Have you looked on every shelf?
Child, your ears have never heard
Your eyes have never seen
Eternal plans He has for you
Are more than you could dream.
Perhaps you long to walk by faith
But He's teaching eyes to see
He knows what He is doing
Child, step out and believe.
poem by Beth Moore