I know when some of you saw the title of this blog, you were probaly thinking, oh is she pregnant, well no, unfortunately, not this month! I have to tell you I havent really felt much like blogging this week, I feel like its been the same ole same ole that I've been blogging about lately! This week I got bad news regarding my progesterone, it was a whopping 4!!! NOT GOOD! So then I go through the motions, of feeling like we just wasted $600 for nothing this month and all of the other negative things that I could think of! Then the next day after getting that news, Amy George (amysbabyblog.blogspot.com, a fellow blogger friend) posted an awesome post on her blog titled "the waiting game" (you have to read it!!),
that had to have been coming straight from God through her to me!! Im serious!! God knows my heart, and he knows how bad I am struggling right now, especially with his timing not mine and me surrendering to him and putting ALL, I mean ALL of my trust in him! It is so hard to do and after reading Amy's post it really made me stop and realize I have to do this, I have to give it all to him, I have to stop worrying about it. I worry about it all the time and sometimes I even feel like Im not giving my all to Chad and Sam beacuse Im so consumed with worries. So I pray for the courage to "Let GO" and give it to him.
Next day, which was last night Chad and I were looking at our money situation. We have gotten our taxes back but usually we try to put that in savings because with me being a stay at home mom we use that to fall back on throughout the year on top of what Chad makes. The cost of infertility is crazy expensive and our insurance doesnt cover alot of it. So we were talking about what we were gonna do if this does take several months of fertility treatment, what were we gonna do, again we are worrying!
Today Chad checks the mail and we recieve a very unexpected check in the mail from where our escrow on our house was overpaid last year, and I mean this was very unexpected. I totally started thanking God right then, here we were last night worrying about it and then God says here let me take care of it!! Isnt that awesome. Thats why today is such a happy day, God's love and faithfulness!
Thanks again Amy for such an awesome post that seemed to be meant just for me!
Hope everyone enjoys this 70 degree weather this weekend!!